Media. It has changed and morphed over the decades and most likely, so have we because of it. It provides entertainment. It allows for convenience. It can provide employment and open up endless opportunities.
Might we venture to say that it may also add "clutter" or "noise" to our lives. Are we disconnected, while we are connected?
How many times have you seen a couple on a date and one of them was texting the entire time? How often do parents communicate with their kids while they are glued to the video game on the screen? How many moms escape the busyness of life through excessive social media?
I think we would be astounded by the answers? Is our media saturated culture hurting our relationships?
Would you consider yourself any of the following:
Information Glutton
Entertainment Junkie
Gung-ho Gamer
Facebook Fanatic
T.V. Addict
Texting Queen/King
Parents, would your family look differently if everyone went unplugged from all forms of media for 24 hours? Would there be more conversation? More quality time? More laughter? More connection? More learning? More sleep?
It's probably safe to say that most families why not give it a try?! We would like to offer you this challenge (our families included) of a 24 hour media free period. Decide on a convenient time when everyone can go unplugged for 24 hours and see what unfolds.
If you decide to take on this challenge, we would love to hear your responses and the creative ways you spent your time.