Maybe you find these statistics shocking or maybe you are not surprised. Either way, they are reality.
As quoted in another post, from an ABC news broadcast, Dr. Richard Besser stated, "I'm a parent of teenagers and I'm a pediatrician and one thing I know is far more teens are having sex than parents know or believe".
So many teens are sexually active and many aren't even fully aware of the risks they are taking. Even teens that would normally make healthy and thoughtful choices, can make risky decisions when their thought process is clouded under the influence of alcohol.
Although you may not know all the recent statistics about teen sex, STDs, drinking, and teen pregnancies, etc. like our staff does and you may not have the high tech media presentations and powerful speaking abilities like our Health are our students' parent(s)! Unlike our staff, you get to spend more than one hour a day or week with your teens. Our desire at P.A.T.H. is to encourage parents to keep conversations going with your "tweens" and teens about these issues.
It may feel awkward or you may feel like you are intruding, but it's worth stepping out of your comfort zone. They need all of the encouragement they can get in making healthy choices for their present and future. Sometimes home may be the only place they will hear "not everyone is doing it."
When was the last time you talked with your teen about his/her choices regarding drinking or sex?